Are YOU Green Thumb Material?
We are working with some of the Greenest Thumbs on the Planet!
Paul Coleman
Since 1990 Paul Coleman has walked 47,500 km through 39 nations delivering the environmental message while on a mission to plant 100,000,000 trees, one for every man, woman and child killed in last century of war. 11,350,000 trees have now been planted with the help of friends and supporters from around the world. Since 2009 Paul and his wife Konomi have been building an environmental home and organic gardens in Patagonia, Chile, where they intend to publish the fairytales that he writes. Paul Coleman is Ambassador to the 'Culture of Peace' a UN designated Peace Messenger Initiative and a Charity Ambassador to the 'Living Rain Forest', a British based institution.
I met Paul in Dallas in 1991 in his walk from New Jersey to Rio De Janeiro to speak to Earth Summit. We made a commitment to each other and doing our parts to help our planet with Green and Benevolent technologies http://www.earthwalker.com/. https://www.facebook.com/earthwalkerpc
Paul is currently living in an earth home built with his own hand and help of his wife Konomi Kikuchi in Patagonia, Argentina. I am also a member of his international organization. http://ourlittlething.ning.com/.
Geoff Lawton
We will work with Geoff Lawton, utilizing his pioneering works in permaculture and create living and working environment for on site team as well as offering classes on site and online. Locally grown food will be used in our kitchen, shared with team members or sold or donated to local communities. We will also offer community garden for local population to grow their own food and learn the technology from on site classed offered.
Power Chips
The Power Chip™ is a new technology that uses the physical mechanism of thermionics and quantum thermo tunneling to generate electrical power directly from heat, with no moving parts, and with a higher projected efficiency than any current technology. I met with Power Chips CEO who lives in Portland area and is excited about our technology. Power Chips will be used for power generation and collection in our solar technologies. http://www.powerchips.gi .
Bamboo Technologies
In 1994, founder Jeffree Trudeau committed to making his dream a reality - creating bamboo homes as an out-of-the-box solution to the tremendous resource strain caused by conventional building practices. In 2002 Bamboo Living became the first company in the world to offer International Code Council (ICC-ES) approved bamboo Green Homes. Jeffree Trudeau joins the World Bamboo Organization as Special Projects Director. Jeffree brings 20 plus years of active involvement in the worldwide creation of luxury bamboo homes as well as low cost bamboo construction. http://www.worldbamboo.net and http://bambooliving.com/index.php/ .
They are interested in utilizing Ab Mobasher's pioneer works in bamboo based Modular buildings (GreenTEK's Modu Grown) as well as our energy production and storage system.
Why Choose Us
40+Years of Experience
Completed Over 200+ Projects
Focused on Green Technologies
Professional & Convenient
Our Products / Projects
Over the years, many products have been designed and developed to varying stages of completion. Several projects are awaiting funding to bring them to market. Projects developed by Ab Mobasher that are considered proprietary and are awaiting final patent, may not be visible but will have a description relating to its function and status. Should you desire more information regarding one of these projects, a signed NDA will be required. A link to the NDA can be found on the individual projects.
Attention Inventors!
Your ideas are ... a product of your fertile imagination. Benefit from them ~ let's take them to the world.
We operate within a Shared Success mindset ... A perfect paradigm honoring the fact that we are all one.
Shared Success also means Shared Respect ~ Advancing Humanity to its highest potential.

Bringing Your Project from Idea to Revenue
A Step by Step Plan to Avoiding the Pitfalls
Step 1
Click the GREEN BUTTON below to download your FREE copy of INNOVATION 101 and the "Info-gram" and learn; the secrets of developing useful and marketable products, super Inventing for Success, finding the right help, how to protect your ideas, patenting and creation of presentation materials and more.
Step 2
Complete, sign and submit the no risk - mutual NDA (Non Disclosure Agreeement), then fill out the "Idea Evaluation Form" and submit it for review. Inventor, Designer, Developer Ab Mobasher will critique your idea and review it with you in your FREE 20 minute consultation.
Step 3
Take advantage of the FREE 20 Minute Consultation with Inventor, Designer and Developer, Ab Mobasher. Ab has developed hundreds of new products. He believes in Shared Success Principles and shares his knowledge in easy to understand language.
What Our Clients Think
“Ab is a wonderful and very talented engineer and inventor with vast experience, great imagination and a big heart. I'm happy with the outcome of my project. Ab has delivered more then I asked for. I would recommend Ab to any inventor as not only he is able to deliver the technical part of a project, but also can provide a great input into your design and other important parts of the invention process. I had a great experience working with Abby and would hire him again in a heart-beat.”
Natasha M.
Convertible Designs
©2000-2019, GreenTekRD, Inc./ Ab Mobasher. All Rights Reserved. Content and images are protected by U.S. and International copyright and patent laws. Reproduction, duplication and distribution for any reason without the express written permission of GreenTek RD, Inc. / Ab Mobasher is strictly prohibited.