The GreenTEK RD Team
"It is not the talent, education or computers but the developing combinations of interrelated skills, plus a willingness to go as far as needed, that has transformed me into a finely honed Solution Finding "Machine". ~ Ab Mobasher - Founder.

Ab Mobasher - Founder:
Ab has nearly 40 years of diversified product design and development of consumer and industrial products. An expert inventor, Ab has created thousands of technical drawings, as well as the engineering and tooling for production. He has a diversified background in engineering, machining, manufacturing, tool and die and prototype making. His experience is the foundation of the successful execution of the long-range vision as well as each phase of the development of GreenTek R&D Business and Technology Incubator.
Ab is an avid outdoors-man and finds inspiration in the miracles of nature.
Diana Wesley: Chair of the Advisory Board and Executive Assistant.
Diana Wesley brings a lifetime of experience and knowledge as a business owner and developer of three consumer product companies. Her first computer company was in Boulder Colorado in the early '80s, a software development company offering practical programs for the then newly emerging personal computer market.This led to a inner drive of developing methodologies and systems within the framework of the critical needs at hand, in order to unify a group, organization or individual.
As a pioneer from the mid-'90s in the field of Energy Psychology, she focused her practice on the learning challenges of special needs children and clients who had experienced trauma and PTSD. Her extensive background in the field moved her to invent and develop a patented software process for Stress Relief and Brain Hemisphere Balance.
She is a gifted horsewoman and trainer, with added experience as a Permaculture Design Consultant and in alternative building practices and design.
Our Management Team:
We have selected individuals as our internal management team (currently as outside consultants) whose mindset equals ours to work side-by-side and train with other core team members to benefit from their expertise and experience.
Under the supervision and guidance of the core members, these individuals will learn to incorporate their fresh approach to all aspects of our business and expand this to added team members.
Regina Hucks: General Operations / Sales and Marketing.
Regina's expertise spans a cross section of areas in business operations including manufacturing, product development, sales, marketing, advertising and more in both wholesale and retail venues and she truly enjoys the challenges and excitement of a concept to revenue startup.
She brings to the table a strong background in general business operations to developing corporate identities, while creating systems, protocols and procedures and has been instrumental in developing training programs for both product and service oriented businesses. Regina has worked in the U.S, England, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia with a variety of organizations and businesses including government agencies to Fortune 500's.
L'iv: Architect, Land and Construction Management.
L'iv has a unique summary of education and accomplishments. With a degree in Architecture, and nearly 40 years in the construction business, as owner, real estate developer, and construction project manager, he has sat in every seat around the real estate/ planning/ zoning/ finance/ design/ development/ construction table. He has extensive studies in ancient, traditional, alternative/eco design, true earth sustainability, construction management, political structures, law, financial planning, intentional communities, energy and more. The Advisory Board and Outside Counsel
Yosa Alaniz- Native American and Indigenous culture cooperation.
Yosa was my executive assistant and one of the co-founders of ENTERPLEX in Grand Prairie, Texas. Yosa is an Aztec Indian from East Texas and the founder of Child of all Nations since its inception within our ENTERPLEX incubator in Grand Prairie, Texas, in 1985. She has extensive experience working with ancient and native civilizations and will help them utilizing our technologies.
Jorge Archilla- CAD Designing/Drafting or Engineering Software Support.
Jorge has worked with me for a decade and has helped many industries and native tribes in Pacific NW. Jorge has GS-14 military clearance, 30 years in teaching/training and phone support (help desk) for computer software, hardware, Networks, UNIX, Novell, Win 10/NT, Local Area Networks (LAN), CAD and GIS design, Programming in Machine/Assembly, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Lotus Notes, Access, Excel, Word, Office, Photoshop, AutoCAD, LISP, Softdesk, Animator Pro, 3D Studio Max.
Jorge’s background includes architectural, electrical, mechanical, structural, civil, space-planning design, drafting with AutoCAD release 2010 including as-builds. Also, GIS mapping with ESRI ARC/INFO, ArcView. He is gifted in customization of hardware and software for networks, state of the art CAD/Laser-CAM systems for production from CAD graphic design files, BOM, cost effective estimations, material handling and renderings and Web based or wireless technology office automation information systems. He is also talented in professional graphics, animation presentations, training and implementation of computer design and programming.
Manish Sethi, Ph.D., M.B.A- VP, Operation Manager.
Manish has over 10 years experience in R&D, drug product life-cycle management, commercial operations, and regulatory filings. He is adept in project management involving multiple projects, scope, feasibility timeline and new product introduction.
Manish has a diverse academic, research and development background: Chemistry, Bio-Pharmaceuticals, Business management. His background in product development includes: Formulation to scale-up manufacturing involving QbD, statistical DOE, CMC filings.
He has guided 23 product development and tech transfer projects to completion: in-house, and at external CMOs, as well as spearheading strategies for multi-disciplinary projects from development, to tech transfer, to commercial launch.
Our Advisory Board & Outside Counsel:
Our Advisory Board consists of the above team members as well as our selected Managing Director, CEO, CFO, and COO.
Dr. Riccardo Gramegna, Ph D, Economic, MBA. ~ Global Family Coordinator.
Founder of University of Borgosesia, Italy, Dr. Gramegna established many cottage industries in India and Italy and currently operating village-based and cooperative businesses in India, and Italy.
Raised in Italy, he has traveled and established private audiences with international leaders such as president of India, government and spiritual leaders of Italy, India and Japan, including the Pope. Founder of the University of Borgosesia, Italy, and Libera Universita Poplare, della Valsessera, Italy. Riccardo has established cooperative village-based businesses in India, Italy and the U.S. He is founder of Shanti Gaia Foundation (SGF) and Jai Jagat Foundation. He has manufactured products, materials and technologies, utilized and developed by SGF to be harmonious to mother earth and benevolent to her inhabitants.
Brit Elders: Creative Networking.
Brit is an author, documentary film maker, columnist and host of radio show called Cooking in the Lite. Brit Elders is a longtime proponent of natural energy resources. She is the CEO of ShirleyMacLaine.com whose background includes electronic counter measure and investigative work. Brit has produced over 20 documentaries on a variety of topics for companies such as Televisa, Fugi TV, and Nippon Television. She is a published author and recognized for her research and articles on alternative health. Brit brings these talents and numerous contacts to this venture. She is the co-creator of MyNaturalLink.com, a website linking people to healthy, organic products.
Cloudsifter Flood- B.A., M.A.: Information Exchange
Cloudsifter is adapt in Information Exchange. She has specialized in bridging the gap between technicians and business professionals. Former Instructor at University of Hawaii, and Sogang University (S. Korea), she is Native American with diversified knowledge and background. She “translated” the words of Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller into language comprehensible to an intelligent 12-13 year-old. She was special assistant to Richard C. Hoagland. She has helped us in business planning for over 10 years.
Bruce Ross- P.E., E.E.: Technical & Patent Adviser
Bruce is licensed, Professional Electronic Engineer with diversified experience in new products, alternative energy, new technological advancements and manufacturing.
In addition, we bring to the table both, in house and as outside counsel, talented individuals with backgrounds in financial planning, legal, taxation, networking, small-scale US based and global manufacturing, marketing and distribution in the US and in developing countries, and business planning. We are in the process of interviewing additional team members for qualifications.
Mark Clay- Mark’s background is as a Wholesale and Loan Account Executive Officer. He managed Silo (Circuit City) Dept. store with 5 million dollars in annual sales for nine years.
Paul Coleman- Earth Walker. Mr. Mobasher met Paul in Dallas, Texas, as he was on his way from New Jersey to Rio de Janeiro to speak at Earth Summit in 1992. Paul walked over 31,000 miles across many countries, including the American Continent, Middle East, Asia, and China. Paul planted millions of trees and raised awareness of Regenerative Resources. Paul is currently living in Patagonia with his wife Konomi in an earth bag home, where hundreds of individuals have visited to learn his methodologies.
Joe Huu Le, Cancer and Alternative Health Research and Treatment. Physical Engineering Ability Against Tornadoes, Construction of Water Storage and Drainage Systems, Plumbing for high-rise buildings, Improvement of the Stratigraphy to Prevent Flooding in the Cities, Escape Techniques during Tsunamis.
Joe has great connections to decision makers in Vietnam and Far East Countries for funding, manufacturing and sub-contracting.
We will hire qualified CEO, CFO, COO, Engineers, Machinists, Managers, and other qualified professionals as well as qualified team members, skilled in financial planning, legal, taxation, networking, business planning, small-scale US based and global manufacturing, marketing and distribution in the US and in developing countries, will be hired as needed and funding is available to work as consultants on-site or as virtual consultants online as we expand our operations.
Why Choose Us
40+Years of Experience
Completed Over 200+ Projects
Focused on Green Technologies
Professional & Convenient
Our Products / Projects
Over the years, many products have been designed and developed to varying stages of completion. Several projects are awaiting funding to bring them to market. Projects developed by Ab Mobasher that are considered proprietary and are awaiting final patent, may not be visible but will have a description relating to its function and status. Should you desire more information regarding one of these projects, a signed NDA will be required. A link to the NDA can be found on the individual projects.
Attention Inventors!
Your ideas are ... a product of your fertile imagination. Benefit from them ~ let's take them to the world.
We operate within a Shared Success mindset ... A perfect paradigm honoring the fact that we are all one.
Shared Success also means Shared Respect ~ Advancing Humanity to its highest potential.

Bringing Your Project from Idea to Revenue
A Step by Step Plan to Avoiding the Pitfalls
Step 1
Click the GREEN BUTTON below to download your FREE copy of INNOVATION 101 and the "Info-gram" and learn; the secrets of developing useful and marketable products, super Inventing for Success, finding the right help, how to protect your ideas, patenting and creation of presentation materials and more.
Step 2
Complete, sign and submit the no risk - mutual NDA (Non Disclosure Agreeement), then fill out the "Idea Evaluation Form" and submit it for review. Inventor, Designer, Developer Ab Mobasher will critique your idea and review it with you in your FREE 20 minute consultation.
Step 3
Take advantage of the FREE 20 Minute Consultation with Inventor, Designer and Developer, Ab Mobasher. Ab has developed hundreds of new products. He believes in Shared Success Principles and shares his knowledge in easy to understand language.
What Our Clients Think
“Ab is a wonderful and very talented engineer and inventor with vast experience, great imagination and a big heart. I'm happy with the outcome of my project. Ab has delivered more then I asked for. I would recommend Ab to any inventor as not only he is able to deliver the technical part of a project, but also can provide a great input into your design and other important parts of the invention process. I had a great experience working with Abby and would hire him again in a heart-beat.”
Natasha M.
Convertible Designs
©2000-2019, GreenTekRD, Inc./ Ab Mobasher. All Rights Reserved. Content and images are protected by U.S. and International copyright and patent laws. Reproduction, duplication and distribution for any reason without the express written permission of GreenTek RD, Inc. / Ab Mobasher is strictly prohibited.